Data Science has permeated all industries. Over the past few years, Nfinity has worked with myriad clients to deliver data science solutions. In the process, we have accumulated years of knowledge, an innovative set of tools, and built a data science platform that can be used to accelerate the adoption of data science into your business. Our expertise in data science can help you harness your data and turn it into real business value.
Nfinity’s unique Numtra data science platform can be used as an accelerator to drastically reduce the time to solution. It is a visual paradigm of designing and integrating analytical workflows into your business processes. Users can visually define complex workflows that combine structured and unstructured data to apply dozens of pre-defined widgets, including GIS, IOT, machine learning and deep learning. Workflows and insights from the workflows, are exposed as RESTful APIs. The Platform supports deployment and scaling out of data and machine learning models on public and private clouds. It supports complete customization including support for importing existing machine learning models from other ecosystems.